Composing Messages

CXIO messages are composed using info command objects. These objects require a kind descriptor consisting of alphanumeric characters and must conclude with an ends closure directive. The purpose of the kind descriptor is to enable the receiving system to identify, route, and process messages, while also providing readable context for users. In the examples shown below, and throughout these guides, the kind descriptor is set as "invoice" for illustrative purposes only.

info invoice

An identifier can be specified using the is decorator, and a subject can be provided using the as decorator.

info invoice is "invoice001" as "invoice for goods supplied"

Whitespace separates command elements, meaning instructions can be written as a single line and with indentation as needed.

info invoice ends

Processing tokens which are commands, directives and decorators are case insensitive.

INFO invoice ENDS

Header Directives

Header information including addressing, metadata and message references is provided using directives such as from, recv, addr, meta and code. These header directives should always precede any message directives.

info invoice
from tradesuppliers
recv plumbingco
code inv20010624

It is recommended that header directive values are single alphanumeric values. Double quotes are not required, however are supported. The use of whitespace within header directive values should be avoided where possible, with the exception of meta data as explained later in this guide.

Header Grouping

To assist with readability and processing, header directives may be grouped within a head directive and close with the ends directive as shown below.

info invoice
          from tradesuppliers
          recv plumbingco
          code inv20010624

Addressing Directives

Addressing directives, which are specifically from (the sender), recv (the receiver) and addr (additional parties) may contain meta data to assist with message routing, processing and administrative support. This is achieved using with directives, as shown below. The addressing directives must always be closed with an ends directive where it contains meta data.

info invoice
     recv plumbingco
          with email as ""
          with telephone as "+23 00011122341"
     from tradesuppliers
          with email as ""
          with telephone as "+44 00011122342"
     addr expresslogistics is notifyparty
          with email as ""
          with telephone as "+44 00011122345"

The at sign @ can be used as shorthand alternative for with directives, as shown below.

info invoice
     recv plumbingco
          @email: ""
          @telephone: "+23 00011122341"

The is identity decorator can be used with addr directives to identify the type of addressee. In the case of from and recv directives, the default addressee type is sender and receiver accordingly and should not be overridden. The as subject decorator can be applied against from, recv and addr directives to provide a descriptive of the addressee.

addr expresslogistics is notifyparty as "Express Logistics Network"
     with email as "admin@expresslogistics.test"
     with telephone as "+44 00011122345"
recv plumbingco as "Plumbing & Co LTD"
     with email as "buyer@plumingandco.test"
     with telephone as "+23 00011122341"
from tradesuppliers as "Global Trade Suppliers PLC"
     with email as "admin@tradesuppliers.test"
     with telephone as "+44 00011122342"

Messaging Directives

Message content is conveyed using body, line and item directives, as shown below. Body and line directives must always be closed using the ends directives.

info invoice
     recv plumbingco
     from tradesuppliers
     code inv20010624
          item total as 10.00
          item reference as "supply of goods"
          item cashondelivery as true
          item reserved as null
          line tax
               item amount as 2.00
               item rate as 1.20

It is possible to use item shorthand as an alternative to item directives, by specifying a colon : directly after the item name, as shown below. When using item shorthand, a value must be given immediately after the item name. Where there is no value, null should be specified.

info invoice
          total: 12.00
          reference: "supply of goods"
          cashondelivery: true
          reserved: null
          line tax
               amount: 2.00
               rate: 1.20

Message Body

For single messages within the instruction, the body directive is not strictly required, as the presence of line or item directives indicates that the message body has started. For readability, it is recommended practice to use the body directive.

info invoice
     recv plumbingco
     from tradesuppliers
     code inv20010624
     item total as 10.00
     item reference as "supply of goods"
     item cashondelivery as true
     line tax
          item amount as 2.00
          item rate as 1.20

Multi body

Where there is more than one message within the instruction, multiple body directives can be specified to separate the messages, as shown below. The is decorator can be used to assign an identify to each message, and as can be used to provide a subject.

info invoice as "weekly invoices"
     body is invoice01 as "first invoice"
          total: 846.23
          reference: "supply of goods - invoice 1"
          cashondelivery: true
     body is invoice02 as "second invoice"
          total: 178.62
          reference: "supply of goods - invoice 2"
          cashondelivery: false

Message Kinds

All messages within the instruction shall inherit the info kind descriptor unless overridden within the kind decorator against the body.

info batch
          recv plumbingco
          from tradesuppliers
     body kind order
     body kind invoice

Multi-Part Messages

Messages can be grouped together within part directives. Each part may have its own header information (including addressing and metadata directives) and multiple message bodies, as shown below.

info batch
     from tradesuppliers
     part is part1 as "first message batch"
             recv invoiceparty1
	     body is invoice01 as "first invoice"
		  total: 846.23
		  reference: "supply of goods - invoice 1"
	     body is invoice02 as "second invoice"
		  total: 178.62
		  reference: "supply of goods - invoice 2"
     part is part2 as "second message batch"
             recv invoiceparty2     
	     body is invoice03 as "third invoice"
		  total: 12.62
		  reference: "supply of goods - invoice 3"